In-Depth Explanation of the Chronological Use of the Product
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Getting started with One80 is simple: learn how to create a wallet with MetaMask, connect your wallet, and buy One80 Tokens.
Download MetaMask for IOS, Apple or Android Play Store.
Or download the MetaMask plug-in for your web browser
Only download MetaMask from the official app stores and market places
Apple IOS
Create a new wallet. Click the ‘Create a Wallet’ button.
Carefully write down the 12-word backup passphrase.
Next, manually type the 12 words in the correct sequence.
Back up your Secret Recovery Phrase somewhere safe and offline!
Never share or make your recovery phrase public.
Once you have successfully created your wallet, you can transfer ETH, USDT, USDC or Dai to buy One80 tokens.
Remember to use the ERC20 Network in MetaMask.
On your mobile web browser, open and click the “Connect wallet” button.
Select the Token and the amount you want to exchange and buy your One80 tokens.
Find our official Etherscan page here: or search One80.
Copy the One80 contract address here: 0x30E330ed574C21f92Ba578Aa68C5E218Bd6c04d6
Click the “Import Manually” button in MetaMask, then click the “Custom Token” button.
Paste the One80 contract address into the token address box.
Then, add “One80” to the token symbol box.
Then, add the number “18” to the Token Decimal box.
Press the “Import” button, and One80 can be seen in your MetaMask wallet!