
DeFi protocols with exchange products solve the following problems associated with traditional centralised financial systems:

Censorship Resistance

Exchanges operate on blockchain networks, making them censorship-resistant. No central authority can restrict or control users' access to the platform or their ability to transact.

Intermediaries Elimination

Decentrilised exchanges cut out intermediaries like banks and brokers. This reduces fees, enhances transaction speed, and eliminates the need for trust in third-party entities.

Financial Inclusion

Decentrilised exchanges are accessible to anyone with an internet connection, providing financial services to the unbanked and underbanked populations around the world.

Global Accessibility

Decentrilised exchanges are open 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere globally. No geographical restrictions allow users worldwide to participate in decentralised finance.

Transparency and Auditability

Decentrilised exchanges utilise smart contracts, which are open-source and transparent. Users can inspect the code and verify the integrity of operations, ensuring a higher level of trust.


Decentrilised exchanges utilise blockchain's inherent security features, making them resistant to hacks and single points of failure.


Decentrilised exchanges leverage liquidity pools, enabling efficient trading and reducing transaction slippage.

Permissionless Innovation

DeFi protocols allow developers to build on top of existing protocols, encouraging continuous innovation and the creation of new financial products and services.

Target Audience

The target audience for a decentralised exchanges is diverse. It encompasses a broad range of individuals and entities interested in leveraging the benefits of decentralised financial services. Some key target audiences for exchanges include:

Crypto Enthusiasts

People already familiar with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology and want to explore advanced financial opportunities.

Investors and Traders

Individuals seeking higher returns and more control over their investments and those interested in trading digital assets with lower fees and greater liquidity.

Unbanked and Underbanked

Individuals who don't have access to traditional banking services but have internet access can participate in DeFi to access financial products and services.

Global Users

DeFi protocols have a global reach, attracting users from countries seeking borderless financial opportunities.

Tech-Savvy Individuals

People who are comfortable navigating blockchain platforms and are interested in exploring cutting-edge financial technologies.

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME’s)

DeFi offers opportunities for SMEs to access liquidity, loans, and other financial services without relying on traditional banks.


DeFi protocols often welcome developers who want to build and innovate by creating new interoperable dApps, and smart contracts.

Hedge and Risk Managers

Those looking for decentralised ways to hedge against risks and manage their exposure to various assets.

Privacy Advocates

DeFi protocols can offer more privacy and anonymity compared to traditional financial systems.

Crypto Natives and Early Adopters

People who have been involved in the cryptocurrency space for a long time and are familiar with its potential.

The target audience for decentralised finance (DeFi) farms (yield farming or liquidity mining) includes a diverse group of individuals interested in earning rewards by providing liquidity to DeFi protocols. The primary target audience for DeFi farms includes:

Crypto Enthuhsiasts

These individuals are already familiar with cryptocurrencies and are actively involved in the cryptocurrency market. They are likely to be early adopters of DeFi technologies and are interested in exploring new opportunities to generate yields on their crypto holdings.

Yield Seekers

Users who actively seek ways to earn passive income on their cryptocurrency assets beyond simple buy-and-hold strategies. DeFi farms offer an avenue for these users to earn additional tokens or fees by providing liquidity to various DeFi platforms.

Liquidity Providers

Traders or investors who are willing to provide liquidity by depositing their crypto assets into liquidity pools to facilitate trading activities and earn rewards in the form of additional tokens or fees.

Risk-Tolerant Users

DeFi farms involve risks, including impermanent loss and potential smart contract vulnerabilities. These platforms' target audience may include users willing to take on these risks for the potential rewards.

Community Memebers of One80 Protocol

Many DeFi farms are associated with specific protocols. Community members and token holders of these projects will be incentivised and rewarded to participate in liquidity provision to support the ecosystem.

Token Holders of Governance Tokens

Governance tokens are often used to vote on key decisions within One80 Protocol. Token holders are encouraged to participate in liquidity provision through DeFi farms to increase their voting power and influence on the platform's governance.

Tech-Savvy Users

DeFi farms often require interacting with smart contracts, decentralised applications (dApps), and cryptocurrency wallets. The target audience for these platforms may include users who are comfortable with blockchain technology and have experience using DeFi protocols.

Diversified Asset Seekers

DeFi farms allow users to diversify their crypto holdings by providing liquidity to different liquidity pools and earning rewards in various tokens. Users looking to diversify their investment strategies might find DeFi farms appealing.

Crypto Traders

Traders who actively participate in the cryptocurrency market may be attracted to DeFi farms because they can earn rewards while trading their assets.

The target audience for a decentralised finance (DeFi) pool, often referred to as a liquidity pool, includes a specific group of individuals interested in providing liquidity to DeFi platforms or protocols. The primary target audience for DeFi pools includes:

Liquidity Providers

These individuals are willing to deposit their cryptocurrencies into a DeFi pool to facilitate trading activities and earn rewards. Liquidity providers play a crucial role in increasing liquidity for various assets, enabling smooth and efficient trading within the DeFi ecosystem.

Yield Seekers

Users who actively seek ways to earn passive income on their cryptocurrency holdings may be attracted to DeFi pools. By providing liquidity, they can earn rewards in the form of additional tokens or fees, making it an attractive option for generating yields.

Crypto Enthusiasts

Individuals already involved in the cryptocurrency market who are looking for new opportunities to participate in the DeFi space and earn rewards through providing liquidity.

Stakers and Yield Farmers

Users who engage in staking and yield farming activities may find DeFi pools appealing as they complement their strategies to earn additional rewards from their cryptocurrency assets.

Community Members of One80 Protocol

Some DeFi pools are associated with specific One80 Protocol or protocols. Community members and token holders of these projects may be incentivised to provide liquidity to support the ecosystem and governance.

Tech-Savvy Users

DeFi pools often require interacting with smart contracts and decentralised applications (dApps). The target audience for these platforms may include users who are comfortable with blockchain technology and have experience using DeFi protocols.

Diversified Asset Seekers

DeFi pools offer users the opportunity to diversify their crypto holdings by providing liquidity to different liquidity pools and earning rewards in various tokens. Users looking to diversify their investment strategies may find DeFi pools attractive.

Crypto Traders

Traders who actively participate in the cryptocurrency market may be interested in DeFi pools, as they can participate in trading activities and provide liquidity to earn rewards simultaneously.

Access to Unique Assets

DeFi pools often support a wide range of tokens, including those from newer or niche projects that may not be available on traditional exchanges. Investors looking for access to unique assets may turn to DeFi pools.

Last updated